Check Out The Crucial Role BOMs Play in Construction

Think of Construction as the new manufacturing. If you’ve been following my Beyond PLM blog, you’ve probably noticed a few articles about ACE and the reasons I think manufacturing technologies are coming to help AEC industries and various construction companies such as general contractors, sub-contractors, construction equipment companies, and much more.
In case you’ve missed these past articles you can check them out below:
Will AEC and Manufacturing Software Converge Together?
AEC and Digital Thread for Construction Companies
AEC Value Chain and Digital Transformation
Construction Project Are Complex…And With Good Reason!
Construction projects include a wide array of organizations operating together on the same project (eg. apartment building, hospital, hotel, bridge, etc.), and good project management is an essential part of making engineers and everyone else involved in the project work efficiently and safely.When you’re talking big scale construction projects you usually come across 2 main problems that if not handled correctly can lead to a negative impact on the job site.
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